Saturday, February 26, 2011

Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

In the music video Are You Gonna Be My Girl, by the Jets, they use some sort of after effects.  Though the film is shot in black and white, there is a "black liquid" that seems to come alive while the band is playing.  For example, there is one point in the music video were the bass players guitar cord is producing this flowing liquid.  This type of thing happens throughout the entire video.  The other thing that I noticed about the "black liquid" is that it seems to flow in the proper direction form which it is coming.  By this I mean if the cord is bent in a certain way, the liquid will flow following that path.  This shows to me that the person who put together this music video took the time to play with such details, and knew how to use the program in which he edited the film.  I have included the video clip so that you can see just how exactly what I am talking about.

Exit Through the Gift Shop

Recently I watched Exit Through the Gift Shop, which is a documentary about street artists and graffiti and the impact that it has on those leaving their 'mark', and those who see it left behind on their towns buildings.  There were many street artists in the video including Banksy, Space Invader, Shepard Fairey and Thierry Guetta.  Through out the documentary all of these artists are interviewed and discuss what it is like to share their art with the world, even though it is considered to be illegal.  They also discuss their hardships and all that is involved with making and producing their work, as well as the dangers and time that is involved with putting their work up in public.  Banksy also discusses the issue of what 'true' art is, and how someone comes to be active in the graffiti world.  Below is the link for the video that allows the viewer a glimpse into the world of the street artist.